Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair
Company Name: Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair
Status: Active
State: California
Post: 90278
County: Redondo Beach
City: Redondo Beach
Address: 18319 Burin Ave
Phone: (424)260-7194
Fax: unknown
Contact Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair: Carlos Hernandez
Web site:
SIC code: 832214 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Individual & family social services, Subcategory: Missions
Overall: Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair is a business categorized under individual & family social services, which is part of the larger category social services. Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair is located at the address 18319 Burin Ave in Redondo Beach, California 90278. The Redondo and Manhattan Beach Windshield Repair is Carlos Hernandez who can be contacted at (424)260-7194.
Description: windshield repair in Redondo Beach, auto glass repair in Redondo Beach, windshield repair in Manhattan Beach, auto glass repair in Manhattan Beach, windshield repair in Hermosa Beach, auto glass repair in Hermosa Beach, windshield repair near me, auto glass repair near me
Payment: Cash , Credit Card, Vista, MasterCard, AMEX, Discovery
Working hours: Mon to Sun- 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
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